Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Impact Of Campus Involvment On Hospitality Student...

What do you do after class? Do you hang out with friends, join a club, or play games with friends? According to Simon A. Lei and Dean Yin, authors of the article â€Å"IMPACTS OF CAMPUS INVOLVMENT ON HOSPITALITY STUDENT ACHIEVMENT AND SATISFACTION†, 80 percent of college students are involved in extracurricular activities. Whether it be playing in the band or going to the gym to get in a good work out, for most people, the activities are an opportunity to relax and do something they enjoy while relieving stress. These activities play a vital role in students’ lives, and without them they would be overwhelmed. College is a time for students to prepare for their future, by acquiring the knowledge that will become foundation blocks for the rest of their lives. College should be a balance of practical skills, the material studied, and extracurricular activities. Scholars like Mark Edmundson, author of the article â€Å"On the Uses of a Liberal Education: As a Lite Entertai nment for Bored College Students†, believe that school should be only about the classes, and that all extracurricular activities should be removed from campus. I believe that students need to express themselves and participate in activities to relieve stress; without these activities students will become more frustrated, which will decrease their grades and passion towards education. College is a place to prepare students for the future It is somewhere people can discover themselves, learn how to think on their

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