Monday, December 30, 2019

How to Write an Excellent Project Summary Report

As a student, you will be asked to write a project summary report at one time or another. This paper can be a pamphlet, report, briefing paper or a policy paper. There are a few rules you need to keep in mind to ensure that your project summary report is of the highest caliber. Of course, to keep the audience interested, you have to provide the information in a way that is not boring. You want to provide the details in an informative fashion that makes it worth reading. While a project summary shouldn’t be expected to be entertaining, it must be laid out and written in a way that the audience will want to read the complete document. There are some questions that are extremely important to ask and consider when you are writing a project summary report for a class assignment. You need to take into account who will be reading the summary and what these people need to actually know in regards to the content. Consider the Audience First and foremost, you need to consider the intended audience. It is important that you know your readers so you write it in a way to keep interest. As a part of considering your audience, you should understand the purpose of the document. For instance, the executive summary may be designed so that people can read it and determine if they need to read the complete document. Tell Them What They Need to Know You don’t want to include unnecessary information in your executive summary. Instead, to keep your audience interested, you want to make sure you provide the details they will want to and need to know. Determine the reasons your readers want to read a project summary report. Take these reasons into account and build your summary accordingly. Include the most important details of the project you are reporting on. Mention the initial goals and their achievement to state the value of the project. Write about the results the project has reached. State the recommendations given in the project. By targeting the audience and providing the information they actually need in order to do their jobs, you already make your report interesting for them. Structure Your Report Logically It is very important for readers to understand whether they are interested in the project summary report or not from the beginning. So, the introduction to your writing must be really attention-grabbing with a decent hook. As for the main body, you must include everything above mentioned to give your audience the information they are looking for. Don’t forget about the conclusion: it is an essential part that summarizes every detail you have mentioned in your report. So, include the key findings of the project and recommendations to make your readers remember the significant part of the project your summary is written on. By using all these tips you will ensure that your project summary report will successfully execute its key function: help the reader decide whether he/she needs to read full project or not. So, take everything into account and produce only useful writing!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Face Of Our Nation - 870 Words

The latter half of the 19th century ushered in growth and change that we still live with in the 21st century. We became an industrial powerhouse in an era of unbridled capitalism. The face of our nation was transformed from an economic culture steeped in agriculture to an economic culture steeped in industry and technology. We were connected coast to coast via railroad and were able to communicate by telegraph and new inventions included the telephone. Travel and communication were accelerated; manufacturing and retail provided new jobs, and lands became accessible that eventually became sprawling communities. Economic forces fed off of each, other causing growth to spiral upward. Some benefitted more than others and there were winners and there were losers. In 1607 the first settlers dreams and visions of a new world came to fruition in the latter 19th century. With our country being connected coast-to-coast via railroad and telegraph, what once took up to six months now took six days and messages could be sent in minutes because of electricity. Our first factory, a spinning mill, built in Lowell, Massachusetts, sparked the Industrial Revolution. Around 1870 Andrew Carnegie launched the industrial revolution in steel, by successfully using the Bessemer process to create steel (Hughes Cain 2011, p. 209). Steel was used for the miles of railroad track crisscrossing through the country and allowed for high-rise building. Each industry feeding off another and creatingShow MoreRelatedA Day That Has Been Celebrated For Over 200 Years980 Words   |  4 Pagesreplacement of our nation’s president has been continuous over the past two centuries. Today I am filled with exhilaration, but I am also filled with a sanguine spirit. As I stand in the midst of my country today, I first look to the leaders before me. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ Chapter 8 Free Essays

And he led Christ up the hillside to a place where the setting sun illuminated everything brightly. The stranger was wearing clothes of pure white, and the glare from them was dazzling. ‘I asked about your brother,’ said the stranger, ‘because it’s clear that a crisis in the world is coming, and because of it you and he both will be remembered in times to come just as Moses and Elijah are remembered now. We will write a custom essay sample on The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ Chapter 8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now We must make sure, you and I, that the accounts of these days give due weight to the miraculous nature of the events the world is passing through. For example, the voice from the cloud you heard at his baptism.’ ‘I remember my mother told you about that†¦ But did you know that when I told Jesus about it I said that the voice spoke of him?’ ‘That is exactly why you are the perfect chronicler of these events, my dear Christ, and why your name will shine in equal splendour with his. You know how to present a story so its true meaning shines out with brilliance and clarity. And when you come to assemble the history of what the world is living through now, you will add to the outward and visible events their inward and spiritual significance; so, for example, when you look down on the story as God looks down on time, you will be able to have Jesus foretell to his disciples, as it were in truth, the events to come of which, in history, he was unaware.’ ‘Since you spoke to me of the difference between them, I have always tried to let the truth irradiate the history.’ ‘And he is the history, and you are the truth,’ said the stranger. ‘But just as truth knows more than history, so you will have to be wiser than he is. You will have to step outside time, and see the necessity for things that those within time find distressing or repugnant. You will have to see, my dear Christ, with the vision of God and the angels. You will see the shadows and the darkness without which the light would have no brilliance. You will need courage and resolution; you will need all your strength. Are you ready for that vision?’ ‘Yes, sir, I am.’ ‘Then we shall speak again soon. Close your eyes and sleep now.’ And Christ felt overpowering tiredness, and lay down where he was on the ground. When he awoke it was dark, and he felt he had experienced a dream stranger than any other he had known. But the dream had solved one mystery, because he knew now that the stranger was no ordinary teacher, no member of the Sanhedrin, no Greek philosopher: he was not a human being at all. He could only be an angel. And he kept the vision of the angel, his white garments dazzling with light, and resolved to let the truth of that vision into the history of his brother. Jesus Debates with a Lawyer; The Good Samaritan For most of the time Christ kept out of the way of Jesus, because he could rely on the words of his informant. He knew his spy was trustworthy, because occasionally he checked the man’s report by asking others what Jesus had said here, or done there, and found always that his informant was strictly accurate. But when Christ heard that Jesus was going to preach in this town or that, he sometimes attended to hear for himself, always remaining inconspicuous at the back of the assembly. On one occasion when he did this, he heard Jesus questioned by a lawyer. Men of the law often tried their skill against Jesus, but Jesus was able to deal with most of them, though he frequently did so by what Christ thought were unfair means. Telling a story, as he so often did, introduced extra-legal elements into the discourse: persuading people by manipulating their emotions was all very well to gain a debating point, but it left the question of law unanswered. This time the lawyer said to him, ‘Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Christ listened closely as Jesus responded: ‘You’re a lawyer, are you? Well, tell me what the law says.’ ‘You must love the Lord God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. And you must love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ ‘That’s it,’ said Jesus, ‘you’ve got it. You know the law. Do that, and you’ll live.’ But the man was a lawyer, after all, and he wanted to show that he had a question for everything. So he said, ‘Ah, but tell me this: who is my neighbour?’ So Jesus told this story: ‘Once there was a man, a Jew like yourself, going along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. And in the middle of his journey he was set on by a band of robbers, who stripped him, beat him, stole everything he had, and left him there by the roadside half-dead. ‘Well, dangerous as it is, it’s a busy road, and soon afterwards, along came a priest. He took one look at the man covered in blood at the roadside, and decided to look the other way and go on without stopping. Then along came a temple official, and he too decided not to get involved; he passed by as quickly as he could. ‘But the next to come along was a Samaritan. He saw the wounded man, and he stopped to help. He poured wine on his wounds to disinfect them, and oil to soothe them, and he helped the man up on to his own donkey and took him to an inn. He gave the innkeeper money to look after him, and said, â€Å"If you need to spend more than this, keep an account, and I’ll pay it next time I’m passing.† ‘So here’s a question for you, in answer to your question of me: which of these three men, the priest, the official, and the Samaritan, was a neighbour to the man who was robbed on the Jericho road?’ The lawyer could only answer, ‘The one who helped him.’ ‘That’s all you need to know,’ said Jesus. ‘Off you go, and do the same thing.’ Christ knew as he wrote it down that, for all its unfairness, people would remember that story much longer than they’d remember a legal definition. Mary and Martha One day Jesus and some of his followers were invited to eat with two sisters, one called Mary and the other called Martha. Christ’s informant told him what happened that evening. Jesus had been speaking, and Mary was sitting among the people listening to him, while Martha was busy preparing the meal. At one point Martha came in to rebuke Mary: ‘You let the bread burn! Look! I ask you to be careful with it, and you just forget all about it! How can I do three or four things at once?’ Mary said, ‘The bread is not as important as this. I’m listening to the master’s words. He’s only here for one night. We can eat bread any time.’ ‘Master, what do you think?’ said Martha. ‘Shouldn’t she help me, if I’ve asked her to? There are a lot of us here tonight. I can’t do it all on my own.’ Jesus said, ‘Mary, you can hear my words again, because there are others here to remember them. But once you’ve burnt the bread, no one can eat it. Go and help your sister.’ When Christ heard about this, he knew it would be another of those sayings of Jesus that would be better as truth than as history. Christ and the Prostitute On the few occasions when Christ came close to Jesus, he did his best to avoid contact with him, but from time to time someone would ask him who he was, what he was doing, whether he was one of Jesus’s followers, and so on. He managed to deal with questions of this kind quite easily by adopting a manner of mild courtesy and friendliness, and by making himself inconspicuous. In truth, he attracted little attention and kept to himself, but like any other man he sometimes longed for company. Once, in a town Jesus had not visited before and where his followers were little known, Christ got into conversation with a woman. She was one of the prostitutes Jesus made welcome, but she had not gone in to dinner with the rest of them. When she saw Christ on his own, she said, ‘Would you like to come to my house?’ Knowing what sort of woman she was, and realising that no one would see them, he agreed. He followed her to her house, and went in after her, and waited while she looked in the inner room to see that her children were asleep. When she lit the lamp and looked at him she was startled, and said, ‘Master, forgive me! The street was dark, and I couldn’t see your face.’ ‘I’m not Jesus,’ said Christ. ‘I’m his brother.’ ‘You look so like him. Have you come to me for business?’ He could say nothing, but she understood, and invited him to lie on the bed with her. The business was concluded rapidly, and afterwards Christ felt moved to explain why he had accepted her invitation. ‘My brother maintains that sinners will be forgiven more readily than those who are righteous,’ he said. ‘I have not sinned very much; perhaps I have not sinned enough to earn the forgiveness of God.’ ‘You came to me not because I tempted you, then, but out of piety? I wouldn’t earn much if that was the case with every man.’ ‘Of course I was tempted. Otherwise I would not have been able to lie with you.’ ‘Will you tell your brother about this?’ ‘I don’t talk much to my brother. He has never listened to me.’ ‘You sound bitter.’ ‘I don’t feel bitter. I love my brother. He has a great task, and I wish I could serve him better than I do. If I sound downcast, it’s perhaps because I’m conscious of the depth of my failure to be like him.’ ‘Do you want to be like him?’ ‘More than anything. He does things out of passion, and I do them out of calculation. I can see further than he can; I can see the consequences of things he doesn’t think twice about. But he acts with the whole of himself at every moment, and I’m always holding something back out of caution, or prudence, or because I want to watch and record rather than participate.’ ‘If you let go of your caution, you might be carried away by passion as he is.’ ‘No,’ said Christ. ‘There are some who live by every rule and cling tightly to their rectitude because they fear being swept away by a tempest of passion, and there are others who cling to the rules because they fear that there is no passion there at all, and that if they let go they would simply remain where they are, foolish and unmoved; and they could bear that least of all. Living a life of iron control lets them pretend to themselves that only by the mightiest effort of will can they hold great passions at bay. I am one of those. I know it, and I can do nothing about it.’ ‘It’s something to know it, at least.’ ‘If my brother wanted to talk about it, he would make it into a story that was unforgettable. All I can do is describe it.’ ‘And describing it is something, at least.’ ‘Yes, it is something, but not much.’ ‘Do you envy your brother, then?’ ‘I admire him, I love him, I long for his approval. But he cares little for his family; he’s often said so. If I vanished he wouldn’t notice, if I died he wouldn’t care. I think of him all the time, and he thinks of me not at all. I love him, and my love torments me. There are times when I feel like a ghost beside him; as if he alone is real, and I’m just a daydream. But envy him? Do I begrudge him the love and the admiration that so many give him so freely? No. I truly believe that he deserves it all, and more. I want to serve him†¦ No, I believe that I am serving him, in ways he will never know about.’ ‘Was it like that when you were young?’ ‘He would get into trouble, and I would get him out of it, or plead for him, or distract the grown-ups’ attention by a clever trick or a winning remark. He was never grateful; he took it for granted that I would rescue him. And I didn’t mind. I was happy to serve him. I am happy to serve him.’ ‘If you were more like him, you could not serve him so well.’ ‘I could serve others better.’ Then the woman said, ‘Sir, am I a sinner?’ ‘Yes. But my brother would say your sins are forgiven.’ ‘Do you say that?’ ‘I believe it to be true.’ ‘Then, sir, would you do something for me?’ And the woman opened her robe and showed him her breast. It was ravaged with an ulcerating cancer. How to cite The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ Chapter 8, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Divided Societies free essay sample

An examination of culturally divided societies and whether consociational democracy could work in these countries. This paper presents a detailed examination of consociational models and whether they would work in deeply divided societies. The writer explores the models being used in several other places including the Netherlands and Switzerland. The reader is first given a detailed explanation of how such a model operates and what its positive aspects are. Then the writer touches on some of the negative aspects. Finally the entire idea is brought to the door of deeply divided societies and the writer explains whether or not the model can be applied to those divided societies successfully. Every society likes to entertain the belief that they have the truth in the best societal practice. If asked each government will tell the inquirer that their form of government and their societal system is the most well thought out and best system there is. We will write a custom essay sample on Divided Societies or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Part of this may come from the need to believe they are providing the best possible system for those who live within its boundaries, and part of it may be a true belief that it is the best because they are comfortable with its operation. The truth is often somewhere in the middle and the systems could always use some tweaking to make them as perfect as their representatives would have them sound.